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Image Renditions-Sharepoint2013

Image Renditions
·         Image renditions are new to SharePoint 2013 publishing sites,
·         Customize the appearance of an image and save that customization as a template.
·         You can upload a large photo to your SharePoint image library and ensure that it is always a given size on a given page, display template, search result etc.
·         The best reason to use renditions is instead of using CSS where a 3mb image after it is resized, it is still a 3mb in size.
·         Using renditions SharePoint will resize your image and create a new file, therefore your 3mb 1680×1050 resized to 100×62 could end up being 22kb, which is a lot better for a web image.
·         A SharePoint Server site with the publishing features activated
·         A picture library to test in. You can use the default Images library, or you can create a new picture library from Settings > Site contents > Add an app
·         Blob Caching needs to be turned on in your web.config file (so you will need access to the server SharePoint is installed on)
·         Steps to Create a New Image rendition size,
site settings->Look and Feel->Image Renditions
·         The page you will be taken to will probably have a few renditions on the page.
·          As you can see from my screen shot, they have an ID, Name, Width and Height. When you upload a picture to the image library, SharePoint will create 4 images, one for each rendition.
·          If there is a Width but no Height, SharePoint will ratio the height to the given width.

Sometimes it will show error in the site(Because of BLOB cache Disabled)

Steps to Enable the Blob Cache,
·         Go to web.config
·         Search for Blob Cache Section
·         Change the value of the attribute enabled to “true”

·         Save and close web.config and Refresh Image Rendition.
·         By default, there will be 4 predefined rendition configured on your SharePoint site.
 Create a new rendition, by adding new item link

·         To test the  image renditions, navigate to your picture library and upload a picture. Once the picture thumbnail shows in the library, hover over it, click the ellipsis in the bottom-right, and then click Edit Renditions.

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